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- SMITH CR-1-1/2-B-SS Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- No
- 0.354 Inch | 9 Milli

- SMITH MCRV-30-BC Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- 2.75 Inch | 69.85 Mi
- 2 Bolt Pillow Block

- SMITH FCR-2 Cam Follower and Track Roller - Stud Type
- N/A

- SEALMASTER ER-34C Insert Bearings Cylindrical OD
- 2500 rpm
- 54.00 mm

- SEALMASTER ERX-204TM XLO Insert Bearings Cylindrical OD
- WS 89444
- 413 mm

- SEALMASTER RCIA 112 Insert Bearings Spherical OD
- 21000 rpm
- 0.60 mm

- SEALMASTER MSC-48 Cartridge Unit Bearings
- 150 mm
- 28.575 mm

- SEALMASTER AR-212 Insert Bearings Spherical OD
- 121000 N
- 130.0000 mm

- SEALMASTER ER-214C Insert Bearings Cylindrical OD
- 30.0000 mm
- 0.64 mm